Ecstatic World...

The realm of transformed beauty, organic truth and ecstasy : Ecstatic World

Bansi Lal, Senior Journalist

New Delhi। Titled "Ecstatic World", Lokayata Art Gallery hauz khas village, new delhi is hosting a painting exhibition from the 19th-24th of June, showcasing 45 paintings by Canada-based Bangladeshi artist Sultana Mariam.

Mariam's paintings explore a personal world that signifies a feminine sense of belonging to the environment, a flux of the inner world experienced and filtered by a woman’s organic sensorial system.

There is a certain abstractness in her paintings that signifies a liberated feminine seeking a symbiotic relationship with nature. Mariam paints her emotion to define how she desires the world and her dream of an alternative cosmos.

With bright colours, curves and synchronised pattern, Mariam's paintings give an impression of fusion of the female body with the vast existence of nature. Interestingly, the protagonist of her paintings always seems to be the union of two halves- the artist, and what she refers to as the natural world.

But the real world is never forgotten in her paintings, sometimes appearing in the form of alphabets, to remind her audience of the contemporary everyday living, perfectly balancing her subjective feelings and the materialistic world she lives in. Mariam creates a harmonious sphere of living that seeks transformed beauty, organic truth, and ecstasy.

Right since her childhood, Mariam knew that she wanted to express herself through paintings, and tell the story of her life and her world. Nature became her inspiration- the breeze, the rain, sun, moon, snow, ocean, everything. She says, "I can not touch this feeling of wideness and the wilderness.. But I can easily paint the ‘Joy of Life’ in my Painting."
